Friday, November 11, 2011

Even the bad :)

I am even letting you all in on the not so good sessions of our RDW adventures :) lucky you!

Bad probably isn't a good word for it- more like wrinkly clothes. Right now we are like working with wrinkly clothes we just need to slowly iron out the wrinkles one by one :)

In this session I tried moving her back after the rep to about 3 feet. Since when she eventually (crossing fingers) gets to a dogwalk she won't be coming onto the down plank right at the apex it'll be from a couple feet before that. This however caused some issues with her not wanting to drive to the toy completely if she had a few bad reps. She decided that there really wasn't a point in getting there too quick if no rewarded was going to be given in return. Of course AMP you always want to know what's in it for you ;) So we will be working on better long distance sends. Good thing that I saw in this session was the great hind feet separation. She definitely had a lot of that action going on and it was just not in the correct spot due to her not being loaded in a natural spot for all the stars to aline ;) No problem we will get to that wrinkle next. I think if I keep looking at this as a wrinkly shirt I can keep moving along ;) The iron never fails on shirts and I guess if worse comes to worse to the dry cleaners she shall go :)

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