Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Girls Gotta Love Like Woe"

That has nothing to do with this post, but I like that song...anyway....

Always being a little busy bee THE princess is! We've been busy doing tricks and staying in shape (she does better at the in shape thing then I) along with building on our agility abilities.

Last week we started to learned serpentine's (including me) haha. I am already coming to the realization that 1) AMP and Jinx are two very different doggies and are going to have to be run very differently 2) I am A-okay with that and think it will be a fun challenge, plus people i am sure will get a kick out of it since i will be laughing myself when I screw up at first (I like a good laugh) 3) I,Kaitlyn should really RUN..let me repeat RUN! instead of sitting and watching the pretty little border collie come towards me and then say oh $*&#@ here she comes! (by the way she may be small but the girl can pack a punch right in the stomach :(

Then we brushed up on our tricks which I realized I never took a video of so decided to do so. FYI no laughing at the pajamas, hair, or anything else...it was Saturday of a snow storm sitting around all day in my pajamas was in order and showering...well that's a lot of work...lol...jk....ewww..gross..that's not for me! sound

Then since agility at the barn was just NOT possible with a snow storm and freezing weather we moved to the small,cramped, tight, warm, and again small basement to do some table and tunnel work. It wasn't too bad although it made traction a little hard for the Doodle, but we managed. Since I took off the sound AMP has an automatic down on the table. So no lay down command or anything just on the table and ploop down she should go which she is very good about and I love (will teach this for now on)...However we will be working on me moving my position while she is on the table because she wants to follow me rather than hold her down. Silly LuLu Pants.

Lastly we did ball work and this is mainly for AMP's breeder to see it because she wants to start training her dogs to do it too :) AMP didn't object though since it is her favorite thing to do. I have to hide the peanut otherwise she will try to go on it while unattended :( which is no good for the little Blueberry girl.

Speaking of the LITTLE girl...I now am looking back thinking what in the heck were you so worried about Kaitlyn?!? For some reason I thought that she was going to be like the incredible hulk or something or monster puppy..haha..she is a whole wopping 18.5 maybe 18.75 inches tall...silly little peanut which is fine by me ;) I will have no worries with her being in the 22" jump height which is exactly what I wanted :)

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